Dust to Diamonds

“Sometimes we find ourselves at the bottom. Sometimes it feels like there is no possibility that we could ever live up to the person You promised that we were meant to be.

Yet we know that You are true, and Your promises never fail. In those dark and deep places when we cannot see the light; we are blindly traveling, dredging forward because we have made faith principle above all. It’s not always happy.

Quite often we feel that there is no way that we are even capable of reaching the other end of that black and endlessly daunting tunnel.

Hopelessness, we lose faith in ourselves, and that’s okay sometimes; just as long as we know that we will never and can never lose hope in You. That hope is the train that will carry the broken souls that last few miles through that darkness.

But Mercy; Mercy stretches out its arms. Your Spirit gives these thirsty souls a sip of Your eternal Water. And just like a tiny candle in the vastness of a darkened tunnel, Your one drop of Mercy is capable of transforming a downtrodden soul into a hopeful, excited warrior!

You are the Light, and the darkness cannot hide! But we cannot taste Your mercy with closed eyes and hope-abandoned hearts.

Recognizing and surrendering our pride; experiencing the humility it requires to hold tight to faith for Your outcome. When we know it is impossible on our own accord; that is where the Father’s heart and that of His child collides.

You are making something beautiful out of us, and it will be Oh so beautiful in Your perfect time!”

How great and amazing and powerful is our God? The deeper we dive into Your faithfulness, the more beauty and splendor we experience! On the other hand, we cannot go deeper into the unknown without enduring the pressure that it costs to dive into deeper waters time and time again…

It is at the edge of our comfort zones–when the ears pop and the heart races, when the throat drops into the stomach, and the mind spins ever-faster into the anxiety of the unknown–it is in these times that, without a shadow of a doubt, we can know that he is drawing us closer to Him. He is calling His child by name. To take His Hand or not; to put more faith in Him than in what is comfortable–that is up to us.

Carbon is the most abundant solid element on this earth, but do you know what is also composed of carbon alone? DIAMONDS—One of the most precious stones on this earth. How could such an everyday common element which composes the greater portion of dirt, grass, concrete, trees, etc., also be the composition of one of the most valuable stones in the world?


Just as heat and pressure over time turn the most common of elements into the most precious of stones, so God’s faithfulness walks with us, and He is working through us on this journey. He’s forging jewels from the very worst version of ourselves. He never saw His child as anything other than beloved, chosen, and loved. Just as we only polish what is prized and valuable to us, so the Father polishes the one He values and loves. He never loses sight of the value of His chosen and precious child.

Romans 5:3-4

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